Training - Initial Consultation Information
What should you expect at an initial consultation? The initial consultation is a time for us to discuss your needs and how we can help you, as well as meet your dog. During this time, we encourage you to ask all the questions that you want. Furthermore, some clients choose to leave their dogs with us at the time of the initial consultation, some schedule a future drop off appointment, and some obtain enough training tips to move forward on their own. We want you to leave your dog with us for training only if you feel completely comfortable with us and our training methods. After all, you will not get the maximum potential out of your dog and his/her training without your involvement.
Below is an overview of what will be discussed at your initial consultation.
- Tour of the Facility. You and your dog will get a full tour of the facility. Please keep in mind that training may take place off of the facility grounds as well. We travel to various natural habitats, wooded and prairie, for wild bird exposure, as well as game preserves. Doing so gives your dog the ultimate experience and exposure for learning.
- Daily Routine. You will be informed of our daily routine. The day always begins with supervised, free run exercise. Although this may not seem like training, it is a vital part of our training program. Free run exercise allows dogs to: (a) socialize thus reducing chances of aggression, building cooperative behavior, and increasing soundness of mind and (b) build muscle tone and joint movement for better performance in the field. After exercise the dogs go to the "classroom." Dogs have hands-on learning and observatory learning throughout the entire day. Just before dusk, the dogs are turned out for free run exercise again. They are fed and put up in their indoor/outdoor kennels for an evening of rest and relaxation.
System of Training. We will share with you the exact methods that will be used to train your dog. If terms such as the figure eight, command lead, check cord, and whoa post are unfamiliar to you, your first consultation will clarify them. Don't be afraid to ask questions. You will need to have complete understanding of and be able to apply the training in order to get the most out of your dog's potential. Yes, you will be learning too.
- Potential Hazards. As much as we don't like to talk or think about dangers that exist for our birds dogs, you need to understand that there is risk for injury, illness, and even loss. We take pride in offering a safe learning environment for your dog and will go to great lengths to monitor and care for your dog throughout the entire training process. Please know that it is a customary practice of trainers that medical treatment is to be paid by the client, not the training facility.
- Your Dog's Special Needs. Please tell us about your dog's nutritional and medical needs. Food is included in the training fee. If you would like us to feed your dog our performance-based dog food, we do recommend that you bring a one gallon bag of your food for transitional purposes. If your dog has special medication, please bring those with directions. You will be responsible for the cost of medications. We do have Frontline on hand.
What should I bring with me when I drop of my dog for training? Below is a quick list of items that we would like you to bring with you when you choose to leave your dog with us for training at Fly-n-Gun Kennels.
- Training Agreement & Waiver of Liability Form (pdf, 152 KB). Please take the time to download, read, and complete our Training Agreement & Waiver of Liability.
- Down Payment. We ask that you please provide a down payment of $340.
- Current Vaccination Record. Be sure that your dog's vaccinations are up to date. General vaccinations, along with Canine Bordetella, are required.
- Medications and Food. As we stated earlier, it is not necessary to bring food. However, you may want to bring some for transitional purposes.
When you arrive at the kennel, please wait to let your dog out of your vehicle. This is for the safety of your dog.
To make your appointment today please call us at your convenience. We look forward to meeting you and your dog.
PRICE: There is no charge for an initial consultation.
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