Directions to Fly-n-Gun Kennels
Where is Thorp? Thorp is a small town located just off of Hwy 29. It is approximately 50 minutes West of Wausau and 40 minutes East of Chippewa Falls/Eau Claire.

Source: Google Maps
Directions from Thorp. Take Hwy 73 approximately five miles North of Thorp. Turn left or West onto County Line Road. Travel approximately two miles on County Line Road. Turn right or North onto Birch Drive, a gravel road. The Birch Drive sign is very easy to miss because it is low to the ground. (Note: to the South the road is called Dickerson Road because you are on the Clark/Taylor county line.) Travel approximately three quarters of a mile, we are the only home on the right or East-hand-side of the road. We are tucked back in the woods a bit. If you reach Pinewood Drive, you have gone too far.
Fly-n-Gun Kennels
N300 Birch Drive - Thorp, Wisconsin 54771

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